Here are some pictures from my projects for the Fall 2008 semester. I am very much into surface "manipulation" and love to take my time with a piece. It sometimes takes over a week to get one piece finished. I also love to just throw or cut clay and then piece it together somehow. I have been lucky with firings; no major cracking so far! I've stayed away from glazing as much as possible, since I find them very unpredictable ;)
This piece has been inspired by Jason Briggs' "Ground". It was very interesting to look at the original and see what can be done with the porcelain surface (although I somehow missed his source of inspiration at first ;)
This is a four-piece porcelain vase, put together, decorated; black underglaze, then sanded.

This is a similar piece, this time a teapot. I was lucky to just end up with this great spout and lid; it was thrown to see what I came up with and ended up perfectly as part of this teapot.
This is a six-piece porcelain teapot, put together, decorated; black underglaze, then sanded.

This teapot was inspired by Steve Hanson's work. I find it amazing, how he uses his images on different forms. Instead of sending out a political message (as Hansen does), I simply put my hubby's initials on with slip and this was his Christmas present.
This is stoneware, slab built with tons of slip.